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Terra Cotta Warriors

Terra Cotta Warriors

In 1974, a number of peasants accidentally discovered some ancient bronze weapons and pieces of broken terra cotta armored warriors while sinking a well at the northern foot of Mt. Lishan, 35 km from Xi'an, the famous cultural city in China's history.

Terracotta Army Pit No.1

This vault opened to visitors in 1979. It measures about 210 meters long and 62 meters wide and the bottom of the pit varies from 4.5 meters to 6.5 meters below ground level. Ten earthen walls were built at intervals of 2.5 meters, forming 9 circling corridors. About 6000 terracotta figures of soldiersand horses face east in a rectangular array, each one either armed long spear, dragger or halberd. The vanguard appears to be three rows of infantry who stand at the easternmost end of the army. Close behind is the main force of armored soldiers holding weapons, accompanied by 38 horse-driven chariots.

On the southern, northern and western side there stand one row of figures serving as the army's defense wing. Standing in front of such grand ancient army array, one would feel the footstep of the marching soldiers.


Terracotta Army Pit No.2

Excavated in 1976, Vault Two stands about 20 meters north to Vault One. As the highlight of the whole mausoleum, it uncovers the mystery of the ancient army array. It consists of four units, measuring 94 meters east to west and 84 meters south to north and 5 meters deep., forming a 6000 sq. meter built-up area. The first unit contains rows of kneeling and standing archers; the second one is a chariot war array; the third unit consists of mixed forces with infantry, chariot and trooper standing in rectangular array; and the last one includes numerous troopers holding weapons. The four units form a rigor battle array.


Terracotta Army Pit No.3

You reach Pit No. 3 by walking 25 meters north from Pit No. 1. It was discovered within a month after the archeologists had found Pit No. 2. It is a concave structure of 520 square meters. There are 68 warriors, four horses and one chariot. No battle formation.


The terracotta warriors are posted on guard duties. There are animal bones and deer horns strewn about, probably sacrifices offered on the eve of a battle. You could find the terracotta warriors with painted faces and wearing painted armor. Archeology experts attribute to this group the command center or headquarters group for those in the other two pits.


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