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Mt Tianmu

Mt Tianmu

Situated in the northwest of Zhejiang Province, Mt Tianmu, which is one of the ancient famous mountains in China, consists of the east and west parts standing opposite each other with some distance between. As a crystal and shining "green jade" casting in the middle of coastal China, Tianmu Mountain National Nature Reserve sits in the northwest of Tianmu Mountain. It is within the municipality of Lin'an. The reserve is also at the north edge of central-subtropical zone. It covers an area of 4,284 ha, comprising of a core zone of 676 ha, a buffer zone of 951 ha, and a transition zone of 2,497 ha. About 88.2% of the reserve's area is forest-covered. In 1956, the area was zoned by the Ministry of Forestry of China as a non-logging area. In 1986, the area was approved by the State Council as a national nature reserve.
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