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Tibetan Custom

Presenting Hada

Present hada is a common practice among the Tibetan people to express their best wishes on many occasions, such as wedding ceremonies, festivals, visiting the elders and the betters, and entertaining guests. The white hada, a long narrow scarf made of silk, embodies purity and good fortune.


Proposing a Toast and Tea

Proposing a Toast and Tea When you come to a Tibetan family, the host will propose a toast, usually barley wine. You should sip three times and then drink up. To entertain guests with tea is a daily etiquette. The guest has not to drink until the host presents the tea to you.



Don't forget to add "la"after saying hello to the Tibetan people to show respect . Make Way to others. Try not to make any sounds while eating and drinking.


Sky Burials
Sky burial is a common form in Tibet. There are many prohibitions. Strangers are not allowed to attend the ceremony. Visitors should respect this custom and keep away from such occasions.


The Tibetan national dress is a chuba (long sleeved sheepskin cloak), tied around the waist with a slash and wore off the shoulder with great bravado by nomads and Khampas. Women generally set great store in jewellery, and their personal wealth and dowry are often invested in it. Coral is particularly valued. The Tibetan zee, agate stone with black and white marking, is highly prized for its protective qualities. Earrrings are common in both men and women and they are normally tied on with a piece of cord.


Tibetan women, especially those from Amdo, northeastern Tibet and Qinghai, wear their hair in 108 braids, an auspicious number in Buddhism. Kampa men plait their hair with red or black tassels and wind the lot atound their head. Cowboy hats are popular in summer and fur hats are common in winter.

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